Monday, June 28, 2010

The Early Life of William Faulkner

William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, in 1897. In 1902 his family moved to Oxford, the seat of the University of Mississippi, where his father, Murray C. Falkner, ran a livery stable and a hardware store, and later was a business manager at the university. Faulker's mother was Maud Butle. There were four children: William Faulkner was a poor student and left highschool after the tenth grade for a job in his grandfather's bank. He read widely, and wrote poetry. He also tried his hand at painting. He was said to be a moody young man and a puzzle to the townspeople of Oxford. He was underweight and only five feet in height, Faulkner was turned down by down by the United States Army. He succeeded, however, in joining the Royal Flying in Toronto, Canada, as a cadet. On December22,1918, the date of demobilization, he became an honorary second lieutenant. Like most other writers of his age, Faulkner has often been preoccupied with both events and the implictions of World War I (O'conner). His early books deal with it, as does one of his later, A Fable


O'Conner, William Van. "William (Cuthbert) Faulkner." American Writers: A collection of Literary Biograohies. Ed Leonard Unger. Vol 2. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974. Literature Resource Center. TCC Library. Ft. Worth, TX May 23, 2010.

"William Faulkner: The nobel Prize in Literature 1949." The Nobel Foundation. 2010. March 25, 2010

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